Acharya: A Socio-Political Actioner with a Mixed Legacy

 Acharya, released in April 2024, is a Telugu film that garnered significant pre-release buzz due to its star power and intriguing premise. Directed by Kora tala Siva and headlined by the legendary Chiranjeevi alongside Ram Charan the film promised a potent blend of social commentary and action. However, upon release, Acharya received mixed reviews, sparking discussions about its themes and execution.

This article delves into the world of Acharya, exploring its narrative, critical reception, and place within the larger landscape of Telugu cinema.

A Tale of Redemption and Righteous Fury

Acharya revolves around a middle-aged man named Acharya, a former Naxalite who has renounced violence and now leads a peaceful life. However his past resurfaces when he finds himself drawn into the struggle of Dha RM Asthali, a village plagued by corruption. A powerful corporation aided by a corrupt government official, exploits the village’s natural resources and manipulates the temple administration for personal gain. Acharya, fueled by a sense of justice and a promise made to a fallen comrade, decides to take action.

The film explores themes of social responsibility, environmentalism, and the fight against institutionalized greed. Acharya becomes a symbol of resistance, inspiring the villagers to reclaim their rights and fight for their land and traditions. Ram Charan portrays Siddha, Acharya’s son, who becomes his anchor and confidante in this fight.

A Stellar Cast, But Uneven Execution

Chi Ran Jeevi delivers a powerful performance, effortlessly transitioning between the character’s stoic exterior and moments of explosive rage. Ram Cha Ran provides able support, showcasing his action prowess and emotional depth. The film also boasts skilled supporting actors, including So Nu Soo D and Pooja Hegde.

However, despite the strong performances, the film’s execution drew criticism. The pacing was uneven, with some scenes dragging and others feeling rushed. The narrative, while attempting to address complex social issues, was found to be oversimplified at times. Additionally, the action sequences, while well-choreographed, felt excessive and hindered character development.

A Box Office Disappointment

Acha Rya faced a long road to release, experiencing delays due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the star power and initial hype, the film underperformed at the box office, failing to recoup its substantial production costs. This was attributed to the mixed critical reception and competition from other high-profile Telugu releases.

A Spark for Conversation: Legacy and Repercussions

Despite its shortcomings, Acharya sparked important conversations within Telugu cinema. The film’s portrayal of Naxalite ideology, a sensitive topic in Indian history, ignited debate. Some praised the nuanced portrayal of a reformed Naxalite, while others felt the film romanticized the movement.

The film also highlighted the ongoing struggle for environmental protection and resource management in India. Acharya’s fight against resource exploitation resonated with viewers concerned about these issues, making the film a platform for social awareness.

While not a critical or commercial success, Acharya serves as a reminder of the challenges and potential of blending social commentary with mainstream entertainment. The film’s legacy lies in its ability to ignite discussions about social issues and its exploration of complex themes within a popular genre.


Acha Rya is a film with both ambition and flaws. It boasts a gripping premise, a stellar cast, and a socially relevant message, but its execution left some viewers wanting more. Nevertheless, the film sparked vital conversations and carved a niche in Telugu cinema for its exploration of social issues within a commercial framework.

Acha rya serves as a testament to the evolving landscape of Indian cinema, where mainstream films are increasingly tackling complex themes alongside entertainment.